Inkjet Printable Balloons 3pcs (Family Pack)
Create your own balloons using your own photos and from a choice of various software designs. Perfect for parties, weddings, anniversaries, valentines day etc. Family pack contains : 1 x Heart Balloon, 1 x Ball Balloon and 1 x Star Balloon. Free software available for download CLICK HERE!
Note: Balloon shape may vary per pack. Suitable for all brands of inkjet printers using windows operating systems.
1. How many pcs comes in a pack?
Pack Contains 1 x Heart Balloon, 1 x Ball Balloon and 1 x Star Balloon in each pack.
2. Can this prints with Laser Printer?
We strongly recommend to use in inkjet printer. However, printing with Laser Printer it's all owner's risk.
3. How do download Software link?
The link for downloading software is available in descriptions above.
4. Can I use Mac for downloading software?
Currently MAC Version of the software is not available. It can use only in window operating system computers.